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6 Business Scenarios that Require Customizable Dedicated Servers

Posted by QuoteColo on December 08, 2014 - Updated on October 31, 2019

Keyboard with Customize Orange Button.Do you need to have a customizable dedicated server for your business yet? Those who have relatively small businesses and who aren’t at a place where they have a large number of visitors to the site each day will find a dedicated server might not be necessary. However, certain situations and scenarios you run across in your business could actually change that fact. Let’s look at those situations now so you can start to determine whether you should get a customizable dedicated server of not.

Scenario #1 – Slow Down Means Customers Go to the Competition

If you have a business that depends on snappy web responses, such as an online store, then you never want to be in a situation where your site is slowing down. If you are sharing space with other companies on a shared server, this scenario could actually happen more often than you believe. If a customer comes to your site and wants to buy Item A, but your site takes forever to load, chances are very good that he or she will simply leave and try to find the product elsewhere.

If your site is slowing down, then it is time that you considered getting a dedicated server all your own. In today’s world, people want to move through the web at a breakneck pace. If your slow site brings them screeching to a halt, they will not be happy.

Scenario #2 – Downtime Means Lost Customers

store closed

Similar to having a slow site, downtime is a real problem for many companies. If you have a business that relies on your site being up and available, then downtime could be your death knell. You should be able to guarantee your customers and clients that your site will be up and running around the clock. If you have frequent downtime on your site, or any downtime for that matter, it could be time for your business to look into dedicated servers that could provide you with the quality and the uptime you actually need and that your customers expect.

Once again, think about customers coming to your site. If the site is not available for them, there is no way they can do their shopping. They will turn to your competitors instead.

Scenario #3 – No Help

How much help do you have through your current provider? Working with a company able to provide you with dedicated servers can often mean you will have more support for your site, and you will not have to rely quite as much on in house IT help. Businesses that are growing but who still need to have support for their server will benefit from this. Keep in mind though that some companies are better than others are when it comes to this sort of support. You need to know what your chosen provider is able to offer.

Better support means that you will not have to deal with a company brushing you off and telling you that it is something wrong with your site not the server. It will also mean that you have faster response times so the professionals can help you resolve your issues as quickly as possible. If you have anything wrong with your site, you know that time is money. Great support ensures your site is up and running quickly. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you have a site that’s having issues and you can’t get support on the phone, you know how frustrating and costly it can be. Do not put yourself in that situation again. Switch to a dedicated server.

Scenario #4 – No Choice

When you are on a shared server, you have limited choice when it comes to how the server operates. In fact, most of the time, you will have no choice at all. With a customizable server though, you can make changes you need to the site quickly and easily. It’s possible to do so in a timely manner as well. While shared servers might seem more budget friendly, they simply do not provide businesses today with the options they need. It is your site, and you deserve to have it run the way you want.

Many of the shared servers out there try to do a good job, but they are trying to make everyone happy. This means that they simply don’t have all of the features or options that you want and need. Something that might work well for you will not work well for others, so the shared servers are often very plain because of this. If you want the option to customize, then you need to have a dedicated server.

Scenario #5 – You Need Another Site

As your company grows, there’s always the possibility that you may want to, or need to, develop another site. When you have your own customizable dedicated servers on hand, you can add another site for your system quickly and easily. Perhaps you want to start up another web store. Perhaps you want to add a site from a sister company, or from a company that you acquired. No matter the reason, having your own dedicated server makes it far easier to get that second or subsequent site online.

Scenario #6 – The Dangers of Hackers


Consider just how dangerous the web is right now in terms of hackers. It seems as though you can’t turn on the news today without hearing about a new attack on a large company’s site. Sony is undergoing such a dilemma right now. Microsoft’s Xbox Live system faces its own problem with hackers on a regular basis. Even if you have no problem with anyone hacking into your site, if you are on a shared server, then it means an attack on one of those companies could affect you and your site. Having your own server relieves you of that potential problem. With your own customizable dedicated server, you are also able to employ your own safety measures to improve site and server security.

Does a dedicated server mean you are always safe from hackers? No, but it does mean that you have a higher level of safety, and you will know right away if something does go wrong.

Are They Right for You?

Of course, even though the customizable dedicated servers are an excellent choice for many larger businesses out there, it does not mean they are the right option for all. Smaller companies and those who are not yet quite as reliant on the web will not need to invest in them. For those who do, however, take the time to find a quality company that’s able to provide you with the services and hardware you need.

If you feel that having a dedicated server is the best course of action for your growing company, then you certainly want to work with only the best companies. Take your time when you are making your choice and look at all of the features they have available and what you get for your money. If you need more info contact at sales (at)

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