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What Are AWS Reserved Instances and How Do They Save Money

Posted by QuoteColo on March 15, 2019 - Updated on January 14, 2022

What Are AWS Reserved Instances and How Do They Save Money?

Everyone likes the idea of saving money, that is especially true when it comes to saving on Amazon Web Services. While there are a number of different things you can do to help lower your bill, one of the best is to consider the use of Reserved Instances. These have the potential to help you save a substantial amount of money. Let’s get a better idea of what they are and how they work.

What Is a Reserved Instance?

A Reserved Instance from AWS are a large investment upfront, to be sure. Still, they really can provide your business with a nice amount of savings. These are, as the name suggests, reservations of resources and capacity. You can choose from one to three years for the reservation. When you choose this option, it will be much cheaper than the on-demand instances that are commonly used.

However, there are a few things you need to remember. One of the most important is that if you do not use the Reserved Instance, you will lose it. Therefore, you need to make sure you’re properly managing these instances if you want them to be financially beneficial for you. When they are managed properly, there is the potential save up to 65% when you compare it to on-demand options. This savings can be huge, and it is no wonder so many people choose Reserved Instances.

Of course, it is important to note that the AWS alternatives instances are regional. This means you need to purchase the correct region for your needs. There are several regions in Asia, Europe, South America, and North America. You need to take time to consider where your visitors are, when they will be visiting, and make sure that you configure your Reserved Instances properly.

When this is done properly, it means that you are only paying when those instances are triggered, and this helps to save resources. It is a more cost-effective option, and it could be a good choice for your business, especially once you see just how much it might be able to help you save.

Benefits Other Than Cost Savings

While the cost savings are certainly one of the biggest reasons for people to consider using these instances, it is not the only reason. You will also find that because they are available in different regions, it is possible to reserve capacity in those Availability Zones. If you use auto scaling and you sometimes find that you have spikes in usage in those areas, it can be very useful.

Helps With Outages

Another reason that some people today are purchasing Reserved Instances is so they have reserve capacity in various regions just in case there is an outage. This helps to ensure that the site will continue to be up and running when it is needed by your customers.

While these instances are not the best solution for everyone, they could be something that you want to consider for your business.


Categories: Amazon AWS

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