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Bare Metal Server Hosting Provider Guide

Posted by QuoteColo on February 25, 2014 - Updated on February 19, 2014

bare metal cloud

In part one of this short series, “What is Bare Metal Virtualization”, we covered the basic ins and outs of bare metal web hosting. In part two of this series, we are going to cover bare metal web hosting providers and what separates one provider from the next.

Smaller Players of Bare Metal Web Hosting

If you visit Google and conduct a search for “Bare Metal Server Hosting” your search engine results page (SERP) will yield the typical results for Steady on Demand, Rackspace and Peer 1. Google is telling you these companies are the big boys of VMWare bare metal server hosting. In all honesty, Google is right.

When it comes to bare metal web hosting solutions, the big boys dominate the field. While you could opt for parallels bare metal servers or M3Server bare metal servers, you would be making a mistake. While a lot of providers offer the same solution, there is a very good reason why Google cites Steady on Demand, Rackspace and Peer1 as the top SERP’s and it isn’t search engine optimization.

Steady on Demand Bare Metal Web Hosting Services

Known as Storm Servers, Steady on Demand Bare Metal Web Hosting solutions supply consumers with Cloud flexibility, dedicated hardware, instant server setup, hardware transparency and easy migrations. With hybrid hosting environments, easy scalability, optional hourly utility style billing and a myriad of popular operating systems, Steady on Demand Storm bare metal servers provide clients with highly reliable web hosting solutions within a large price range.

Rackspace Bare Metal Web Hosting Solutions

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of Rackspace. Noted as one of the fastest growing and reliable Cloud virtualization companies, the Rackspace bare metal server has recently undergone a shift. That shift has seen Rackspace beef up their Cloud server offerings to lure clients and potential clients away from utilizing their bare metal server offerings. While Rackspace offers excellent Cloud Computing, dedicated server and managed hosting solutions, Rackspace has recently gotten away from bare metal web hosting solutions. As such, go elsewhere.

Peer 1 Bare Metal Web Hosting Servers

Sold as Bare Metal IaaS, Peer 1 hosting solutions provides bare metal servers which allow for application development, system administration, device administration and maintenance and what Peer 1 calls an “iron-clad SLA”. Along with the Peer 1 data center advantage and hybrid hosting solutions, Peer 1 provides the market with bare metal servers that offer the rock solid benefit of being hosted in some of the best data centers in the world. Just like Steady on Demand, the Peer 1 Bare Metal Web Hosting IaaS solutions

But Why Use Bare Metal Server Hosting?

Alright, we will admit it. Finding a bare metal server solution is pretty simple. Visit Google. Conduct a search. Speak to live sales help. Decide. It’s that simple.

That said, we need to ask one more question: why should you use a bare metal server over a hosted server or a managed dedicated solution? The answer is control. With a bare metal server, you are free to install what you need. As the server is empty, i.e. bare, you have more granular control over what is and what isn’t put on the server. What you do or do not install on a bare metal machine will be the difference in performance rates and energy consumption – both of which impact your bottom dollar.

So, why use a bare metal VM? Control. The answer is control.

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