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Biggest and Best Reasons Companies Choose Cloud Computing Today

Posted by QuoteColo on June 25, 2014 - Updated on June 25, 2014

is the cloud amorphous by designSome companies choose to use dedicated private cloud hosting, while others find that they prefer managed cloud computing instead, finding that it provides a good middle ground between the ease of public hosting and the security they would have with dedicated hosting. This type of hosting provides better overall service to the buyer in most cases, and it can allow them to have just as much space as they need, with the ability to expand that service if needed.

With the options and power available with cloud computing today, it’s allowing more and more businesses of all types to see how beneficial it can be. A range of different types of companies is beginning to use these services. Those who have a need for 100% uptime for their sites – which should be every company, really – find that cloud hosting has some advantages.

Reason #1: Better Uptime

One of the biggest benefits is the reliability and the uptime. If you have your own server on-site, you would have to have someone available to monitor it around the clock to have the same level of attention given at the data centers. Most companies with their own servers on their premises aren’t able to be there around the clock, and if something were to happen to that server while they were away, it could be quite some time before someone from the company even realized there was an issue.

Imagine just how much business this could cost you if you ran an ecommerce store. If you run a clinic and patients make appointments through your site, they wouldn’t be able to book their appointments. The same is true of any type of site that requires constant uptime to meet the needs of the user base.

Cloud computing ensures the safety of your servers and data, and it offers much better uptime in most cases.

Reason #2: Scalability

Another one of the reasons that companies are choosing cloud computing, mentioned briefly earlier, is that it is so easily scalable. You can increase or decrease usage as needed. For example, those companies that are relatively small and that don’t have a huge need for resources right now can start small. As the business grows, they will be able to increase their cloud space and service along with it. As the power of the cloud grows, this becomes easier to do, and it’s something that most businesses should consider, especially those who have a concern over the next reason.

Reason #3: The Cost

All businesses, no matter how large and successful they might be, will want to find ways to save money. The cost of keeping servers onsite today is an expense that is no longer necessary.

With servers at your location, you would have to have someone on staff who could manage the servers. Often, this requires several IT personnel. When you choose a cloud host instead, they are able to take care of any and all issues that happen with those servers for far less cost. This gives you more peace of mind without spending more than you need.

The above points, as well as better security and safety for the servers, tend to be the reasons that most companies give when they talk about using cloud computing. It’s a great choice for them, and it could be just what your business needs.

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