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Seattle WA Mining

Seattle WA Mining
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Seattle is located on the western coast of the United States, and it is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. Over the years, many technology companies have moved to the state or developed in the state. There are many options for those who want to find a quality ASIC hosting facility.

One of the reasons that Seattle has become so popular with Bitcoin miners who are looking for a cryptocurrency mining host is not merely because of the many options available. It is also because the current average rate for electricity is just 6.8 cents per KWH, which is about 11.68% lower than the rest of the rest, and 32.61% less than the national average, which is 10.09 cents per KWH. Naturally, if you are using Bitcoin mining machines, you want to find the cheapest electricity possible, and this can be a great option, which will make you more efficient.

When you are choosing a hosting facility, you need to consider the types of security measures that are in place, the types of equipment that can be used on the site, and whether they have the reliability and uptime that you need. QuoteColo has put together a list of some of the options for an ASIC miner host in Seattle. These are just some of the choices that you have available to you.


Seattle, WA Cryptocurrency Host Provider #1: The facility can work for operations of just about any size, and they can provide the room needed to grow and scale upward when you are ready. They have dual diesel backup generators, as well as two to four power circuits per cabinet from the UPS banks. In addition, the facility offers multiple levels of security, so you can be sure that your equipment is secure. They also have great uptime. The prices for the facility currently start at $79 KW per month. Antminer S9s will cost $110 a month and L3+ will be around $65 a month.


Seattle, WA Cryptocurrency Host Provider #2: If you are looking for a quality ASIC hosting facility, they have what you need. They offer two warehouses in Woodinville, WA, which is just outside of Seattle. They also have limited GPU hosting. The ASIC accounts are $49 each, which includes setup and reservation for hosting, as they have limited space.


Seattle, WA Cryptocurrency Host Provider #3: This facility is a specialized cryptocurrency miner host that can also provide equipment. The hosting rate for the company is currently starting at $121.50 per month for the Antminer L3. The hosting rates are going to vary based on power consumption, naturally. They have a range of plans and options available that could work for your needs.


Seattle, WA Cryptocurrency Host Provider #4: The company offers high-density colocation that can support up to 75KW of electrical power in each of their specialized cabinets. Cryptocurrency Host Provider #4 has greater density and lower power costs, as well as better security. Along with ASIC miner hosting, this provider will also support standard and custom GPU rigs as well. They provide quality service and support around the clock, and provide armed security, a gated perimeter, digital security, and more.


If you want to have some help making your decision, you can rely on QuoteColo. We can provide you with a free miner hosting quote when you call us at 888-400-5732, send an email to Sales @, or when you simply fill out the form on this page.