QuoteColo Colocation and Bitcoin Mining Hosting Blog
Often Unused AWS Resources Can Be Shut Down to Save Costs
Posted by QuoteColo on March 06, 2019Often Unused AWS Resources Can Be Shut Down to Save Costs Naturally, you want to make sure that your AWS usage is as cost effective as it can be. Of course, you might have noticed that your bill is somewhat higher than you think it should be. You might wonder why it’s higher and what […]
Mismanaging Your AWS costs Top 9 Mistakes Managing AWS Resources
Posted by QuoteColo on March 03, 2019(Mis)managing Your AWS costs – Top 9 Mistakes Managing AWS Resources Many businesses today are moving to the AWS cloud as a means to help them save time, as well as money. They also move to the cloud because they feel that it can help them to let their onsite specialists use their skills to […]
How to Compute AWS Service Costs with EC2 Pricing
Posted by QuoteColo on March 02, 2019How to Compute AWS Service Costs with EC2 Pricing When you start to look at the costs and the pricing for AWS EC2, it can sometimes feel more than a little overwhelming. This is especially true if you are just getting started with the idea of clouds, but it can be confusing for anyone. What […]
How Leveraging Amazon CloudWatch Reduces AWS Costs
Posted by QuoteColo on February 27, 2019How Leveraging Amazon CloudWatch Reduces AWS Costs When you are using AWS, you want to be able to monitor it, of course. While there are a number of tools that you can utilize to help monitor this service, one of the most common is CloudWatch. It is also considered to be one of the best […]
Guide to Setting Up Auto Scaling with AWS
Posted by QuoteColo on February 24, 2019Guide to Setting Up Auto Scaling with AWS If you are going to be using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, you need to make sure you have it set up and configured correctly. With auto scaling, you can set up the system to add instances whenever the load on the server reaches a particular level. This […]
Net Neutrality Timeline of Major Historical Events
Posted by QuoteColo on February 22, 2019Net Neutrality Timeline Over one year ago, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal net neutrality. Net neutrality lasted from 2015 – 2018. These protection rules dictated that broadband providers weren’t allowed to slow down or block access to the Internet, and they weren’t allowed to charge certain companies higher fees and favor other […]