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Breaking Down Shared Hosting vs. Dedicated Hosting

Posted by QuoteColo on December 03, 2013 - Updated on October 16, 2020

shared hosting vs dedicated hosting

Here’s the thing, we could use this space to talk about how shared hosting accounts lack security, how shared hosting accounts lack solid resources, how shared hosting accounts lack the customization capabilities and how shared hosting accounts are essentially throwing money down the drain.

Likewise, we could use this space to talk about how dedicated server hosting solutions pack a whopping resource punch, how dedicated servers offer high levels of security to their clients, how dedicated web hosting servers perform extremely well under high load and how dedicated servers are more expensive for a reason.

We could do that and, let’s be honest; the article would be a decent read.

But we aren’t going to do that here. While the aforementioned is true, while purchasing shared hosting accounts is akin to throwing money away and while purchasing dedicated server solutions is akin to purchasing the Ferrari of the web hosting world, it’s information you already know. Due to this, we are going to use the next few paragraphs to chat about real world examples of why you should choose colocation and dedicated server solutions over shared hosting web servers.

CPU Intensive Applications

Maybe you have heard of bitcoins and bitcoin miner hosting. Maybe you haven’t. Either way, the process of bit mining is a CPU intensive process which requires at CPU intensive server. Now, while you might not be conducting bit mining operations, you might be looking to conduct resource heavy, CPU intensive web hosting activities. The point here being, shared hosting accounts supply clients with limited compute resources barely capable of running a website which receives a few thousand hits per day.

For anyone looking to carry out real world, compute intensive web hosting functions, a shared hosting account won’t make the grade.

Client and Company Growth

Another reason why shared hosting accounts are awful for real world clients and companies looking to expand their base of operations is because shared hosting accounts do not offer clients and companies with the proper avenue to expand. Let’s put price aside for a moment. For a client or a company looking to grow their base of operations, compute resources through scalability means everything. For growth, scaling the amount of RAM, Bandwidth, Disk Storage and CPU is what matters. Shared hosting solutions simply do not offer full scaling for rapid growth.

While resources are dedicated to a server within dedicated server solutions, scaling means purchasing additional dedicated servers with dedicated resources. Although more expensive than virtual scaling within Cloud solutions, scaling within dedicated server solutions offer clients the ability to grow their resources in a secure environment.

Shared hosting does not offer the ability to scale in a secure environment.

Security Within Environment

The last major issue we want to focus on is physical environment. Within shared hosting, as the prices for a shared hosting account are little to nothing, shared hosting clients care less about the physical environment (data center) their servers are stored in. More to the point, because shared hosting accounts cost little to nothing on a monthly basis, shared hosting clients have no leg to stand on when their services experience downtime due to data center power outages or overheating.

On the other hand, investing in dedicated server solutions means investing in the data center environment in which your dedicated web server solutions are stored. Investing in colocation means investing in highly redundant, tier 3 or tier 4 data center web hosting facilities which offer support networks, security networks and redundant backup services to maintain uptime.

The real world application of operating out of a tier 4 data center as opposed to a dark closet with no cooling is found in service uptime. For clients who need their solutions to be up 24/7/365, dedicated servers beat the heck out of shared hosting accounts.

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