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CloudFlare Hosting Pros and Cons

Posted by QuoteColo on November 13, 2014 - Updated on November 04, 2014

CloudFlare Hosting Pros and Cons

CloudFlare is a content distribution network that has a range of other features, including quality security features. Despite being a relatively new company, having only started in 2009, they have a very good reputation. They claim that they are able to improve the speed and performance of a website, which is always important. They also claim that they are able to offer protection against DDOS attacks, hacking, and spam.

Whenever a company or an individual is trying to choose a hosting company, it is important to research the company and to get a good idea of the pros and the cons associated with them. The following is a look at both the advantages and the disadvantages that using the cloud hosting company can offer. After assessing these pros and cons, those interested should consider contacting the company and learning more. If there are ever any elements of concern, don’t sign any agreements with any company until resolving all of your questions.

The Pros of CloudFlare

First, we will examine the pros of the cloud hosting system to see just what they are able to offer. One of the big questions is whether it is difficult to start using. Those who are looking for a cloud hosting option do not generally want to have a long learning curve. They want to be up and running quickly. Fortunately, CloudFlare is very easy, even for those who have very little experience.

The system works simply and intuitively, and this includes setting up all of the security options. They have a good set of options for security with a set it and forget it style. You set up your security protocols and the system takes care of the actual protection. If there is an issue, the host will notify you and will take care of the issues in most cases. This is a good option for those who do not have the time to become security experts. Users are able to block IPs, ranges of IPs, and even traffic coming from entire nations if they choose.

The cloud host is able to offer cached versions of many of your webpages in the event the site ever goes down. This ensures that visitors will still be able to get onto the site to access the information they need.

Perhaps the biggest pro is the cost. CloudFlare’s basic services, which include all of the pros mentioned earlier cost nothing. It is free, and they don’t always try to sell you on their other services. Those who are looking for a high quality and basic cloud hosting option will find quite a bit to love with the company.

Of course, it does have some downsides as well, and it is important to point those out to anyone considering the system.

The Cons of CloudFlare

While security is easy to set up, the options and rule-sets available have some limitations. It is not always easy to tweak those security options. Additionally, the number of statistics and analytic information from your site will have its limitations. This is a small gripe though, as it is always possible to use other programs, such as Google Analytics, to get deeper information about the site.

These are the only real complaints or cons about the system, and it’s easy to see that these are minimal. While CloudFlare might not be the right system for everyone who is trying to set up a cloud hosted site, it is still well worth a look.

Categories: Cloud

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