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Best San Francisco Colocation Pricing

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Thanks again for providing such a valuable service. This is at least the 4th time I have used your service and I am always impressed by the quality vendors that you connect me with. You have saved me uncountable valuable hours of time hunting down vendors. - Brian M, VP Research and Development

San Francisco colocation is a popular option for SMBs and enterprise companies looking to outsource their mission critical IT infrastructure. QuoteColo will assist your company in finding the most qualified and affordable San Francisco colocation data center. With over 15 years experience working in the data center industry, QuoteColo has an extensive database of top ranked providers in the Bay Area. Given your requirements, we will assist you with a “shortlist” of the best San Francisco colocation providers. Our service will save you both time and money. Many of our San Francisco data center providers offer special QuoteColo promotional pricing and discounts as well.

Home to the famous Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco is the 14th largest and sixth most visited city in the United States. San Francisco is well known for its warm weather and beautiful people and is also one of the richest cities in the World. It ranks 4th on the list of billionaires that call it home after New York, Moscow and London!

Besides tourism, San Francisco’s economy is built on banking and finance. From the early Gold Rush days, San Francisco has been called the “Wall Street of the West.” Today, San Francisco is well known for high technology as well. During the dot com days of the 1990s, San Francisco became a popular location for technology and Internet start-ups. Well known companies such as Craigslist, Twitter and call San Francisco home. With all of the recent high tech growth, San Francisco has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Internet data centers.

Take a quick look at some of QuoteColo’s San Francisco colocation data center partners below:

United Layer (UL)
200 Paul
San Francisco, CA
Services – UL offers data center colocation from its tier 3 and SSAE16 compliant data center in San Francisco. Colocation clients can obtain half and full cabinet colocation along with private cage options. UL also offers a variety of private and public cloud hosted solutions.
630 Third St.
San Francisco, CA
Services – offers several data centers across the continental United States. offers 1/3, ½ and full cabinet options within its SOC 3 audited and PCI compliant San Francisco data center. also offers dedicated servers, and public/private cloud services.

200 Paul
San Francisco, CA
Services – Telx offers a tier 3, SSAE16 compliant and carrier neutral data center at 200 Paul in San Francisco. Telx’s nineteen “Cloud Connection Centers” offer cross connects to the World’s largest tier 1 telecom providers such as Level 3 Communications, Cogent, Verizon, Hurricane Electric and more. Clients can obtain full secure cabinets and private cage solutions.

365 Main
1400 65th St.
Emeryville, CA
Services – 365 Main operates 17 data centers across the United States. Its data center in Emeryville, CA (part of offers clients per U, partial and full cabinets and private cage colocation option. All of 365 Main’s data centers are carrier neutral and clients are free to bring in their bandwidth provider of chose.

Servepath (aka GoGrid)
360 Spear St.
San Francisco, CA
Services – Servepath offers a limited amount of colocation space in its 360 Spear data center. With the expansive growth in cloud computing, the company has shifted focus to support both public and private solutions. Colocation space is still available but on a case by case scenario.

With the ever changing landscape of colocation data centers, let the colocation experts at QuoteColo assist you in finding a qualified San Francisco colocation provider. Our colocation marketplace will allow you to analyze multiple hosting options within minutes and NOT days. You will receive direct quotes from the most qualified San Francisco data center vendors. Our service will save you money and plenty of headaches! Just call 888-400-5732 or submit your information on our contact form.