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Q. Why is the service free?
A. QuoteColo LLC is a sales agent. We get compensated from our partner companies like Bitcoin miner hosting. We do not favor one provider over another.  This includes all major markets including server colocation Los Angeles .

Q. Is your contact information private?
A. Yes. With the exception of our partners, QuoteColo LLC will not release your contact information to any other third parties. No exceptions. Privacy Policy

Q. Why is your service different than other hosting agent services?
A. We are 100% focused on collocation, dedicated servers and managed hosting. Most agents are telecom centric and do not understand the web-hosting market. The team at QuoteColo LLC has over 15 years of experience in the Dallas colocation severs hosting and IT industry. We have hand picked the best-of-breed local Virginia colocation and national hosting providers. The majority of our providers represent the leaders and visionaries in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.