Some say unmetered server colocation is the white whale of the web hosting world. Others say unmetered server colocation is one of the best data center web hosting deals a client can find. Whatever your thoughts on unmetered server colocation are, we are going to use this space to talk a bit about the concept of unmetered server colocation solutions and then chat about Virginia based colocation hosts who provide unmetered server colocation.
What is Unmetered Server Colocation?
Regardless if you are looking for unmetered server colocation in Virginia, London or California, the concept stays the same. Unmetered server colocation refers to a colocation setup which makes use of unmetered bandwidth services. Unmetered bandwidth is a solution web hosting services provide for companies who do not know how much bandwidth they need per month. Utilizing unmetered bandwidth allows companies to choose port speed or how much data you think will flow through your port on a monthly basis. Once a port choice is chosen – they are normally offered in 10, 100 or 1,000 megabits per port, colocation companies will not charge you for the bandwidth transfer total through that port unless it eclipses the port value chosen.
Let’s say this again, using Virginia unmetered server colocation means you only pay for bandwidth values above your chosen megabits per month. Another way of saying this – unmetered server colocation in Virginia is unmetered, not unlimited.
Knowing that unmetered server colocation in Virginia isn’t unlimited server colocation in Virginia will save you the hassle and frustration of understanding why your monthly colocation bill is higher than you previously thought.
Understanding the Virginia Unmetered Server Colocation Market
Before you jump into unmetered server colocation in Virginia, you need to understand how the Virginia colocation marketplace will affect your services and the price you pay for those services per month. On a whole, Virginia does not contain many colocation providers throughout the state outside of the WashingtonD.C. area. Due to this, if you are looking for cheaper unmetered server colocation solutions in Virginia you have the choice of either seeking out colocation providers near Lynchburg, VA or Richmond, VA or you can play market providers against one another by seeking out Virginia unmetered server colocation within the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. The choice is yours. Feel free to check out our Virginia Colocation guide to research colo providers in VA.
The Price of Unmetered Server Colocation in Virginia
As noted, location is key for finding the most affordable and cheapest unmetered solution in Virginia. For example, a 100Mbps unmetered solution based in Washington D.C central will run around $1,150 – $1,350 per month depending on the provider. Likewise, the same 100Mbps unmetered server colocation package within Ashburn, Virginia will run anywhere from $400 – $650 per month, again depending on data center provider.
While this pricing is pretty common across Virginia for unmetered web hosting needs, at the end of the day pricing will come down to your needs. As we have noted in other articles, monthly pricing for colocation solutions will depend on how many servers/racks you need, how much bandwidth you will be pushing and the price of energy in the area.
Due to this, while we would like to provide you with spot on pricing of all Virginia unmetered server colocation solutions, we can’t.
This said, to learn more about server colocation pricing in and around Virginia, feel free to drop us a line. We are more than happy to help with your search.