How Google AdSense Uses Artificial Intelligence to Automatically Boost Performance
Advertising is all about offering the right information. If you know who your audience is, that gives you a chance to offer them ads targeted to them, which makes it more likely they will end up using your product or service. Potential customers see things they are interested in, which means a business sells more of what they are offering. Meanwhile, advertisers make more money by doing their job.
Split Testing Innovation via Google
Split testing is something that advertisers have been using for years as a way to better understand the types of ads that customers want to see. Two different ads are chosen and run in the same environment to determine which has the better performance. While it can take some time to get right, it allows for optimization of the advertising process.
However, things are about to change through the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). A few months ago, Google introduced something new called “auto ads.” Essentially, Google has taken the split testing model using for Internet advertising and made it easier and more robust.
AdSense and Connection with AI
For those who aren’t familiar with AdSense, it is an advertising platform offered by Google to help connect business owners, consumers, and advertisers. Google acts as the middle party who connects website owners with advertisers and places optimized ads on specific spaces on websites. The page crawling abilities are Google are utilized to better understand a webpage and make the right connections.
As of March, users can now add a few lines of code to their existing website and enable the feature for Google Auto Ads. Doing so puts the control in Google’s hands, which uses machines learning to analyze and adapt to the performance of advertisements.
Some of the factors that Google’s Auto Ads use include the frequency and placement of each advertisement, but it’s likely there is a lot more up Google’s sleeves. Sure, those publishing the website have less control using this option, but they may see better results to make it worthwhile.
Worries Over Automatic Ads
Of course, there are some concerns about this new type of ads. The success seen with it will inevitably come down to how well machine learning is leveraged by the company. The launch is a huge step for the technology but has brought up a debate about whether programmed advertising can be truly reliable.
That said, if the advertising works as it is supposed to, this could take a big load off of publishers who have to rely on metrics and measurements that aren’t’ always consistent. There will no longer be a need to manually choose which ad spots to use when Google can do it all for you.
Right now, many companies are experimenting with the new Google Auto Ads and more feedback will come over time. In the meantime, we’ll just have to wait and see how things play out. Who knows? It could be a new era in Internet advertising.