Guide to Setting Up Auto Scaling with AWS
If you are going to be using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, you need to make sure you have it set up and configured correctly. With auto scaling, you can set up the system to add instances whenever the load on the server reaches a particular level. This helps to ensure that you have the resources needed for your site just in case there is a surge in activity, for example. This type of scaling will also be able to remove the instances when they are not needed. It essentially ensures that you have the power you need when you need it without wasting any additional resources when you don’t.
Getting Set Up
If you are using AWS, you will find that configuring and launching their Auto Scaling tends to be simple. However, there are a number of steps that you will need to follow. The first thing that you have to do is set up the launch configuration, or template, and the Auto Scaling group.
After the server is built and set up, you will create the AMI image of the web server created. This means that additional servers can be added whenever they are required. After, you create the launch configuration using the Web server AMI, click on the button that says Create Auto Scaling group. Click on that and then click on the create launch configuration button. Choose the custom AMI that you already created.
Create a Group name for the Auto Scaling group, and then launch the template version. You can keep or change the group size as needed. Typically, you will want to keep the network set to the default VPC for your region. Or you could select your own VPC. You can then choose a subnet for the VPC. You will be able to choose Amazon AWS alternatives the Availability Zone here.
You can then configure the scaling policies, review it, and then click on Create Auto Scaling group. After the creation status pops up, you can close it. You will also have to verify that the Auto Scaling group has launched the EC2 instance to make sure everything is up and running properly.
Once you have it set up and configured properly, it should mean that your site is able to respond to higher and lower traffic appropriately, so your visitors never notice any issues.
The First Time Can Be Confusing
When it is the first time that you are setting up your Auto Scaling, it can feel overwhelming. However, you are essentially walked through the steps of the process, which can help to make things somewhat easier. Once you have done it once or twice, it does become easier. You may find that it’s easier for you to simply hire someone to take care of this for you, or to leave it to your IT department. Still, it is a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of how it works and why the Auto Scaling can be so beneficial to your company.