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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Social Media

Posted by QuoteColo on August 11, 2019 - Updated on October 07, 2019
colocation in the age of social media

Let’s be honest for a second. Having social media is something that is expected at this point. More than 2.5 billion individuals had at least one account by the end of 2018, which makes these channels ripe for the picking when it comes to marketing. Artificial intelligence is increasingly used by the largest brands to offer top service online. There are numerous ways this can be done which we’ll outline below.


Image Recognition


With social media advertising increasingly using machine intelligence, images can now be used in unique ways. Web marketers can utilize photos to boost their rates of engagement. Image recognition software is also useful to determine patterns in customer behavior. By using AI-powered software, service and product promoters can better target the people they want and tailor what is seen on their profiles. A good example of this is Cloud Vision, which can scan photos and pick up products and logos to help with social media strategy.


Facial Recognition


AI has also made it much easier for web marketers on social media to integrate facial recognition. As an example, Facebook uses this technology so users can more easily tag photos. It saves a lot of time and effort for those who want to tag a large number of people on a photo all at once. By identifying who is in the photo, there’s no need to type out all the names. Now companies can quickly and easily tag people on photos that have their logos and products.


Virtual Assistants and Chatbots


Years ago, marketers needed to guess at what sort of content was going to be the best use of time to promote their products. Chatbots and virtual assistants have changed that in recent years. These bots can even handle doing an analysis of posts related to the business’ niches on social networks. That information can be used to determine what content to post to get the best engagement with customers.


Social Listening


Social listening is a term used for tracking conversations using certain brands, phrases, or words in order to use the information to find new opportunities or build new content that targets a specific customer demographic on social media networks. By “listening” for things that have to do with a brand, a marketer can interact with customers in new ways and learn what forms of marketing get through to them in the best way.


Content Optimization


Before marketers think about optimization, it’s crucial to ensure you are creating engaging, top of the line content for a business. This is what boosts your sales and brand awareness. Artificial intelligence offers you the chance to look at large data sets to see what combination of text, photo, and video brings in the most viewers. Through optimizing content, you can better understand what customers want and what the competitors are offering.


If you use social media of any kind, whether Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, or something else, you likely have seen AI at work. There’s a reason it’s becoming so popular and all the huge brands are using it, it works!


Categories: Web Hosting

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