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Key Skills Cloud Computing Engineers Must Have

Posted by QuoteColo on October 02, 2014 - Updated on September 23, 2014

cloud computing, engineers

Cloud computing is getting better and better all the time, and the only way this is happening is through the hard work and dedication of the engineers who are focusing on making it better and more viable for businesses and individuals. The cloud will ideally help to make things faster and easier, and it should help to reduce cost. It takes a certain set of skills to make this happen though. The computer engineers who are looking into cloud computing today need to develop these skills. Let’s look at what they need.

Technical Engineering Skills

Naturally, the engineers need to have a solid foundation in computer engineering, but they need to have training and expertise when it comes to working in the cloud. The exact type of training needed often depends on the particular area of the cloud that the engineer will work. Those who are creating the hardware used for pushing out cloud services will need to have a different set of skills than those who are making cloud specific software, for example.

They need to have the ability to create systems and applications that can push out information, record and store data, and much more. As the cloud grows, the best engineers are looking for new and better ways to take advantages of the opportunities it affords.

Business Skills

Today, anyone who is working in cloud computing as an engineer also needs to have a good set of business skills and overall business sense. This helps to give them a better understanding of how companies will want their particular cloud technology to work. It lets them understand the specific needs for cloud deployment, and it can give them a better idea of what suits those needs technologically. This helps to eliminate false starts and systems that will simply not work well for the company in question.

By learning how to understand the business architecture and the needs of the particular business, it makes it easier to create a plan for the company. Often the computer engineer will work closely with the company’s owner or managers as a means to provide services that are ideal for the business.


One of the biggest concerns and questions that people have with the cloud today is that they worry about the safety it offers. It’s true that some types of cloud operations may have some security risks. It is therefore extremely important for today’s cloud computing engineers to address these security issues and to keep their projects as safe as possible. Putting a lot of effort into security is generally a good idea for most engineers, as it shows clients their dedication to data safety.

Going Mobile

Today, people are on their mobile phones and tablets all the time. They are on these devices more than they are on their desktop computers for the most part. This means the cloud applications the engineer develops need to be able to work with all of the various mobile devices on the market today.

Mobile is an extremely important part of the workplace and home, so engineers should put extra effort into developing for those devices if they want to remain relevant. Still, they need to consider desktops and laptops, and always keep an eye to the future for other developments.

The above are some of the most important skills that cloud computing engineers of today and tomorrow need to have. Without them, they will simply not be able to develop the systems today’s demanding customers need.

Categories: Cloud

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