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Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing’

  • A Brief History of Cloud Computing

    Last Updated: July 30, 2015

    The modern world is dominated by the cloud. But where did it come from? How did it start? How did it evolve? Let’s dive in. Mainframes and Dumb Terminals in the 1950s Before J.C.R. Licklider first sketched out the idea of what we now call the Internet in the early 1960s, users at MIT and […]

  • The Worst Threats and Vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing

    Last Updated: July 28, 2015

    One of the most common talking points about cloud computing is the inherent security threats it holds. More often than not, whenever you read an article about cloud tech or whenever you hear two people talk about it, someone will recount how unsafe the cloud is to the data it shuffles about. While we, along […]

  • 5 Persistent Cloud Computing Myths Debunked

    Last Updated: July 23, 2015

    In terms of cloud computing myths, there are a fair amount. In this space, we have covered the myths surrounding security and the cloud, we have covered myths surrounding downtime and the cloud, we have covered myths surrounding benefits/downfalls of different cloud models and we have covered myths surrounding the pricing of cloud tech. Due […]

  • A Brief History of Cloud Hosting

    Last Updated: November 14, 2014

    The history of Cloud Hosting spans almost 25 years. While we could start the history of Cloud hosting with the first major hosting firm to offer space in a server – Geocities, Anglefire and Tripod – it wouldn’t go back far enough. No, the history of Cloud Hosting begins with the creation of the modern […]

  • Key Skills Cloud Computing Engineers Must Have

    Last Updated: October 02, 2014

    Cloud computing is getting better and better all the time, and the only way this is happening is through the hard work and dedication of the engineers who are focusing on making it better and more viable for businesses and individuals. The cloud will ideally help to make things faster and easier, and it should […]

  • Cloud Computing and Microsoft Office 365 for Business

    Last Updated: September 29, 2014

    In the past, having the right pieces of software was essential for business, just as it is today. However, getting and installing the software on all of the computers in the business was a time consuming and costly process. Cloud computing has helped to change this substantially. Many businesses today are gravitating to Microsoft Office […]