The Best Dedicated Server Hosting Is…
So, you’re in the market for dedicated servers. You need reliable, cost effective and powerful dedicated server web hosting solutions. Well, fear not. In this short article we are going to talk about how to find the best dedicated hosting money can buy and go over a few of the major players who are considered the best dedicated hosting.
Best Dedicated Server Hosting Reviews
There is an old saying: “There is nothing new under the sun.” That is to say, whatever it is you are about to do or go through, has been done before by someone else at some point in time; even better, whatever you’re about to do has been written about before. When it comes to finding the best managed dedicated server and the best dedicated server wed hosting, this adage holds true.
With this in mind, if you are in the market for dedicated server web hosting solutions, your best bet is to go straight to the source and seek out the information from those who know the best: previous and current dedicated server clients. And how to find them? Google “best dedicated server hosting reviews”. Once entered, the search query will pull back the largest, most comprehensive web hosting review forum, is filled with dedicated server web master, web hosting gurus and new web hosting clients all looking for and giving real solid feedback on web hosting solutions on the market. To find the best dedicated server hosting reviews, simply visit and all your questions will be answered.
Three of the Best Dedicated Hosting Solutions on the Market
Now that you know where to visit to learn about the best dedicated server web hosting solutions, we are going to take a moment to talk about some of the best dedicated server hosting companies currently operating on the market.
For the past few years SingleHop has been constantly rated as one of the best dedicated hosting companies operating. With excellent overall network performance reviews from Netcraft and over 4,500 servers currently online, SingleHop has been winning over dedicated server customers on a consistent basis. With an SLA of a three hour dedicated serer deployment (which, in reality is actually closer to 48 minutes) and a starting price of $99 per month for 2 to 16GB of RAM, SingleHop is a great choice for anyone looking for dedicated server hosting.
We know, somewhat of a funny name but don’t let it dissuade you. Offering both dedicated server web hosting and Cloud hosting solutions, Hivelocity has clients in over 100 countries worldwide. Boasting 99.999% uptime, a team of dedicated IT experts, a powerful “global network” and highly available SAN storage, Hivelocity is a solid choice for anyone looking to get into the dedicated server hosting industry. Just an FYI, dedicated hosting powered by Hivelocity begins at $109 per month without management.
1 & 1
Yes, you have seen their commercials. Yes, you know their name. But1 & 1 is doing something most web hosting companies are not – they are currently going after the largest untapped portion of the web hosting community – companies who know they need web hosting yet have no idea how to get involved in it. 1 & 1 currently offers Windows dedicated server hosting starting at $59.99 per month. With up to 4 CPU cores, up to 12 GB of RAM and up to 1,000 GB (1 TB) of storage, 1 & 1 is one of the fastest, most well marketed, dedicated server hosting companies.
All in all, do your homework and look into all your options. However, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at SingleHop, 1 & 1 and Hivelocity when you are searching for the best dedicated server hosting solutions.