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The Good and the Bad of Cloud Hosting

Posted by QuoteColo on June 10, 2014 - Updated on June 06, 2014

Cloud hosting is starting to become very popular with businesses of all sizes. While it is still something of a buzzword, the advantage to using it becomes immediately obvious to many companies as soon as they start looking at all of the benefits it can offer. However, it’s important to make sure you actually look at both the good and the bad of this type of hosting if you want to choose the hosting service that’s right for you, whether it is cloud hosting or using a dedicated server.

The Advantages of Cloud Hosting

One of the first things that you will notice when it comes to cloud hosting is that it truly is cost efficient, since you do not have to invest in an actual server, and you do not need to hire additional IT personnel to care for the server on your property. In addition, you will not have to make a special room for a server at your place of business. The cloud has cheaper rates and can mitigate much of the regular IT expenses that you would normally incur.

They also make it easier to scale services. While you might have a smaller company that does not necessarily need a larger amount of space or bandwidth, that can change. It’s easy to scale up, or down, the amount of space and service your company needs.

The service is always available as well, which is a benefit for both you and your customers. You can be sure that your site is always up and running since the cloud can offer redundant site resources. This means that your customers will always be able to get onto your website around the clock. It also makes backup and recovery far easier, so you never have to worry about losing data.

Businesses like cloud hosting because it is easy to integrate into their current business as well. Software integration can occur quickly. This gives the cloud hosting option a small learning curve.

Things to Beware of with Cloud Hosting

While the advantages of cloud hosting certainly outweigh some of the issues that people have with the service, it is important to make sure that you know some of the perceived disadvantages as well. This lets you know whether you should be using the cloud or if you should be using a dedicated server.

Even though the cloud is safe, much of the safety and security is out of your hands and is in the hands of the company offering the cloud hosting. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have a company that is actually capable of providing you with the proper amount of security. Choose a company with a good record for security in the field to ensure the safety of your data and customer information that you might store.

Make Your Choice

You have a number of choices today when it comes to the different types of options available for your web hosting service. Remember that just because one type of service might work well for Company A and Company B, your company is different. You need to choose what is right for you. Take the time to look at all of the pros and cons of each, and then start looking at a service that will work well for your specific needs. Once you know the type of service that you want to have then you can find the right company for the job.

Categories: Cloud

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