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The Lack of Transparency in Colocation Pricing

Posted by QuoteColo on October 23, 2013 - Updated on October 21, 2013

the lack of transparency in colocation pricing

Here is the deal: when it comes to finding the best colocation providers and specifications on the market, conducting a quick Google search for “Best Colocation Providers” or “Best Data Center Colocation Hosts” will yield the results you’re looking for. The aforementioned searches will yield excellent providers, great colocation data center facilities and comprehensive data center specifications and yet, to find the true cost of colocation, the aforementioned searches will leave you feeling helpless. While colocation data center hosting providers are wonderful at singing their own praises, they are awful at openly stating true colocation pricing.

The Lack of Transparency is On Purpose

The reason for this is twofold: One, colocation data center hosting can be pretty expensive. While colocation server hosting might prove to be cheaper than internal hosting of server solutions, colocation hosting is still an expensive monthly fee for any sized company. Two, the lack of transparency in colocation pricing is done purposely to keep hidden charges from consumers. The dark secret within colocation hosting is that colocation providers often charge consumers and businesses with unstated charges. Much like Verizon or AT&T will charge consumers with “below the fold” charges, colocation hosting services practice the same shady pricing structures.

The true cost of colocation is shady and done on purpose. Make no mistake about it, colocation service providers know the cost of their services. Due to that, they make every effort possible to hide the true cost of colocation solutions to their clients.


The why behind hidden colocation pricing is also a pretty simple reason: finding a great colocation provider is a pain. The process requires a lot of homework, research and investigation on part of the consumer. Additionally, once a consumer makes their choice, the process of server migration is also a pain. Due to this, due to both time it takes to find a provider and the time/money it takes to migrate servers over, colocation companies are right in thinking regardless of hidden costs, that client will stay with their provider for a while.

Build into this equation colocation services are provided on a multi-monthly to yearlong contract and you can see why colocation web hosting services are prone to hiding costs from consumers.

The Fix for Lack of Colocation Pricing Transparency

The simple fix for the lack of transparency in colocation pricing is to utilize a colocation review site like A review site like Quotecolo offers consumer’s easy breakdowns of the web hosting services providers supply their clients alongside the true pricing of each service. As we have already linked above, Quotecolo provides straight forward colocation pricing breakdowns of major providers on the market. Moreover, we provide our clients with data center colocation specifications and pricing breakdowns within 24 – 48 hours of initial contact.

Moreover, for the SMB or company without the time to conduct their own research into finding the best provider on the market, Quotecolo provides free whitepapers allowing consumers to have access to 10 tips for finding the colocation provider of their dreams.

All in all, the simple and easy way to find true colocation pricing is to utilize colocation review sites like Quotecolo.

Categories: Colocation

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