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Why Use a Dedicated Email Server?

Posted by QuoteColo on August 09, 2013 - Updated on March 03, 2016

dedicated email server

Why Use a Dedicated Email Server?

When it comes to dedicated email hosting the best option for companies looking to get ahead on their marketing efforts is to utilize dedicated email server hosting.   Why does dedicated email hosting empower the marketing efforts of a company or individual? Below are a few reasons.

1.     Email Marketing

Time and time again, email marketing proves to be one of the most effective forms of marketing on the Internet. Beyond Google Ad Words and Bing PPC, beyond retargeting and beyond cookied skyscraper ads, email marketing is the single most effective form of marketing on the Internet. With the use of a dedicated email server, users have all the resources, range of IP’s and domains they need to carry out effective email marketing.

Reason Number One for using a Dedicated Email Server: Email Marketing.

2.     Resources

As is always the case with dedicated server web hosting, the main reason you invest in email hosting is for the resources. If you’re a large company with an extremely abundant contact list, your server is going to need the resources it takes to email hundreds of thousands of people on a weekly basis. For this task, you’re going to need a dedicated SMTP server or a dedicated exchange server. No questions asked. With dedicated email hosting, your email campaign will fail simply on the merits of not having enough resources to handle the task at hand.

Reason Number Two for using Dedicated Email Hosting: Dedicated Server Resources

3.     Privacy

One of the major concerns of everyone in the web hosting industry is privacy and security. With dedicated email hosting via a dedicated email server, users can custom install security measures to insure the safety and protection of their email lists, outgoing and incoming emails and any sensitive data which might be transferred in said messages.

Reason Number Three for using Dedicated Email Server Hosting: Privacy and Security.

4.     Control

Email hosting allows the sender more control over the emails they send and more control over the email hosting server which the emails originate from. By having more control over the entire hosting email server, clients have the ability to insure all emails are sent wisely, all emails are protected, all emails originate from the domain of choice and all emails are associated with the correct IP.

Reason Number Four for Utilizing Dedicated Email Servers: Control

5.     Integration, Synchronization and Monitoring

The last reason we are going to provide to you for utilizing a dedicated server for email hosting is integration and synchronization. Dedicated email servers hosting allow users to easily and fluidly communicate with all CRM systems running on the server along with the capability of easily uploading files. To go along with integration and synchronization, dedicated hosting email servers allow for 24×7 monitoring to ensure all systems are up and running around the clock.

Reason Number Five For Utilizing Dedicated Bulk Email Servers: Integration, Synchronization and Monitoring


The bottom line with dedicated email server hosting comes in the form of reaching potential and existing clients. Through effective email campaigns powered by dedicated email hosting, you know your campaign has the resources, privacy, control, integration and monitoring it needs to be successful.

Now, with that out of the way, the only thing left for you to do is write, craft and create effective emails for your email campaign. Hey, we can help you out with email hosting but the creative and copy? Well, that’s up to you.

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