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Colocation Centers Have Less Downtime

Posted by QuoteColo on June 19, 2014 - Updated on June 19, 2014

iStock_000019305811SmallAccording to recent findings, it seems as though the traditional data centers that companies once used for their servers are not able to offer the same amount of uptime that colocation centers can offer. The research showed that those traditional centers actually suffered from more outages in the course of a year. This information comes from a survey of professionals working in the data center field.

The trouble with outages, whether they are large or small, is the way they can affect business. You always need to make sure your pages are up and running for customers no matter what time of day or night that they visit. This is true whether you have a financial company, a medical clinic to book online appointments, an ecommerce store, or nearly anything else for that matter. If the customers are unable to access what they need, you could lose business, and you could permanently lose clients and customers. They will move on to a site that is able to offer the services they need when they need them.

While many of the outages reported were very short in duration, they still had negative impacts on those businesses that suffered them. According to the data, around seven percent of the traditional data centers were affected by outages, compared to just three percent of the colocation centers.

While both of these represent a relatively small number of services experiencing outages, it is important to note just how much better the colocation servers were able to perform when it came to stability. The survey covered quite a few areas, including financial service companies, and the results tended to be about the same across the board.

Other Reasons to Choose Colocation

In addition to the stellar uptime, working with this type of service can actually offer quite a few more benefits.

First, with these centers, you tend to have quite a bit of easy scalability thanks to cloud technology. If you suddenly find that you have a greater number of visitors coming to your site, this tech makes it easy to upscale to fill your needs. You don’t have to hire more people and buy more equipment. It’s all very simple and can happen on demand.

Second, they tend to have good security. They often have on-site security, and may have things such as biometric scanners, alarm systems, and other measures to keep the servers and information safe from intruders. They also have means of keeping it safe from environmental hazards such as fire and flood. Along the same lines, this helps to keep them more stable overall. They will typically have multiple generators and duplicate copies of data, so you don’t have to worry about losing data.

Businesses also know just how much they have to spend each month to keep up with their service, and there are no sudden changes in the costs. Since the servers are offsite, they do not have to worry about having additional space at their place of business. They do not have to hire additional IT staff to worry about caring for those servers either.

With all of the benefits that these types of services can offer, it is little wonder that so many businesses today are starting to look to them. When you consider that it offers more uptime than traditional servers do, it becomes an easy decision for most companies to make.

Categories: Colocation

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