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Cloud Hosting Forums for Companies Pt. 1

Posted by QuoteColo on February 13, 2014 - Updated on February 04, 2014

cloud hosting forums

Here at, we have mentioned other web hosting forums in the past. Mostly, we mentioned highly popular Cloud hosting forums like and in passing – as part of a larger topic. In this two part, we are going to chat directly about popular web server forums like the ones mentioned and why they are not to be overlooked by companies or consumers.

Cloud Hosting Forums for Businesses

The first rule of and for businesses in the Cloud hosting space – never overlook web hosting forums. If you take the chance in overlooking popular web server hosting forums like, you run the risk of your customer base overthrowing your company before you even get started.

1. Never Overlook Web Hosting Forums

The power of Cloud server forums is simple: web server clients utilize the forums to interact with other clients to learn about industry news, to learn about Cloud server sales and most importantly, to complain about a Cloud service provider who has done them wrong. and are two online forums that are packed with disgruntled Cloud server clients who want nothing more than to bring an IT provider down through constant negative posting. Call it immature or call it childish, grieved server hosting clients will do everything in their power within a forum to make sure no other potential client uses your solution.

Rule of thumb, never overlook popular web hosting forums. If you do, you are choosing to ignore your customers. If you ignore your customers on an online forum, instead of interacting with them to resolve an issue, those customers will bash your Cloud platform until you are six feet under.

2. Run Sales

The power of cloud server forums is simple: potential and existing Cloud Computing clients look to and for killer sales. Use that to your advantage. If you know your platform gets RAM on the cheap, run a server sale featuring RAM heavy solutions. Likewise, if your colocation platform gets bandwidth on the cheap, run a colocation server sale featuring bandwidth heavy solutions.

Unlike your company’s marquee clients who need everything and the moon to feel satisfied, all most Cloud forum users want to feel loved is a good quick discount. Your Cloud Linux servers cost $15 per month? Run a sale for $10 per month. Using server forums for sales is about understanding your clients and understanding what you can offer them.

Rule of thumb: run web hosting forum sales often. That said, we move to point number three.

3. Web Hosting Forum Clients are Cheap

This needs to be said. Web hosting forum users are cheap and angry. Sure, they want a sale but they want a sale for $5 per month with full management. Now, while you and know that isn’t going to happen, we advise you to be prepared for the backlash of bottom of the barrel customers. Understand, running a sales on means gaining business from clients who will drop you like a bag of dirt the minute they feel wronged.

If this is the case, why go after them? Return to point one please. If you don’t go after Cloud server forum clients, they will eat your brand alive on said forums and eventually all over social media channels.

Rule of thumb: as a Cloud hosting company, do not neglect web hosting forums.

This said, if you are a Cloud server client, go ahead and read Cloud Hosting for Consumers Pt. 2. In it, we will cover what you should look for on popular forums and how to get the most out of a server sale.

Categories: Cloud

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