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The Best Use For Bare Metal Cloud Servers

Posted by QuoteColo on March 10, 2014 - Updated on March 04, 2014

 he best use for bare metal cloud servers

You might be asking yourself what makes a bare metal Cloud server so good? With all the other Cloud Computing server options on the market, why should you invest in bare metal Cloud server solutions? The answer is simple: lack of degradation.

But what do we mean by lack of degradation.

Performance Degradation and Bare Metal Cloud

The entire point of a bare metal Cloud server is a server without the built in hypervisor or operating system layer. The reason for this set up is to allow the consumer to program their server and install the applications they need without any interference from additional compute layers. In the case of bare metal Cloud servers, hypervisors and pre-installed operating systems only serve as an additional layer fostering degradation of service when load is added.


In the case of most virtualized server deployments, a hypervisors acts to promote server flexibility and management of resources which are needed to operate multiple VM’s within a single box. The only issue with this is when you add load to a bare metal server, the additional compute layer only serves to create lag on the machine in question. In turn, this lag creates service degradation via the overall processing overhead placed on the machine.

All said, instead of enabling the bare metal Cloud server to deal with load in an efficient and streamline manner, the addition of the hypervisor level acts as a server constraint slowing down all processes held within.

Bare Metal Cloud Servers and High Load

The single major benefit of bare metal Cloud server solutions are found quick data intensive processes. Without the overall hypervisor level slowing down processing power and lagging compute resources, bare metal Cloud servers allow for high processing power with little to any service degradation. This is why bare metal Cloud servers are a wonderful tool for Big Data applications and software.

Big Data and Bare Metal

By its very nature, Big Data applications require a tremendous amount of compute/processing power with as little degradation as possible. For Big Data services to work in real time, compute applications, software and hardware need to perform under high load short burst intervals with no lag or service degradation at all. If degradation happens, the entire model of real time data analysis (Big Data) is defeated.

In addition to being custom tailored to handle Big Data workloads, bare metal Cloud solutions are greatly equipped to handle heavy real time video and heavy media rendering.

To Bare Metal or Not to Bare Metal?

At the end of the day, your decision to utilize bare metal Cloud servers will come at the cost of hypervisors and a solid slate of providers to choose from. As noted in our article on the best bare metal Cloud service providers, although there are a few major companies who supply the bare metal option to consumers, most web hosting or colocation companies do not.

Even though Steady on Demand and a few other managed colocation providers offer the service, your selection is limited. As such, when you make the choice to utilize bare metal Cloud servers or not, understand you are also making the choice to limit yourself to a small section of colocation server companies. Understand you are limiting your choice and thus, driving up IT costs.

To bare metal Cloud or not to bare metal? The choice is up to you.

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